493 Million Women are Illiterate

Education is important to Malala because, she grew up in a school so she has always been around it.


Initially, she has always been around education because, her father founded a school.“You could say I grew up in a school.”


Always go to school because, if you don’t it will affect your future. Of the 774 million people in the world that are illiterate, 493 million are women.


At this point, schooling was important to Malala because she grew up in a school so she has always been around it. Also because of the two previously stated reasons.

Communicating in Person V.S. Communicating Through Technology

Texting can be fun and easy. However, texting and interacting with another person can have major similarities and differences. Although they bear some major similarities, the differences between communicating through technology and communicating in person are clear.

Here are some similarities between communicating in person and communicating through technology. In both ways the person is talking by spoken or written words. Like how one of my friends who always likes to text everyone, but some people take it the wrong way. Or how you need to have good responsibility, so your parents will let you go over to that person’s house to tell them whatever you need to tell them. You can also bully someone in both technology and in person. Always be careful when cyberbullying because you can just screen shot that message and they’re done with their bullying ways. Like for example, one of the people I used to hang out with started cyberbullying and he got caught, payed the huge consequences, and never did it again. Those were some similarities between communicating in person and communicating through technology.

Here are some differences between communicating in person and communicating through technology. You can get your message across easier in person. Unless you Facetime them, and even sometimes then you can’t get your ideas across, if they have bad connection. For example, when you are communicating in person, it is easier to talk to a human so you can elaborate your ideas.When texting someone, auto-correct can disrupt your true message. Another thing is the amount of time it takes. Going to a person’s house to talk to them takes a longer amount of time. On the other hand, technology communication can take a shorter amount of time. Those were differences between communicating in person and communicating through technology. 



Although they beared some major similarities, the differences between communicating in person and communicating through technology were clear. Communicating through technology is faster and easier.



The Bonfire

There was once a fire

On New Years Eve

It lit up the neighborhood

So people from miles away could see

The next day, it was still smoking

Some things were ignited

I’m not even joking

When it finally went out

I sighed with relief

All that was left

Was the grass under my feet

A Fish Out of Water:Reflection of ”Out of My Mind” Book

I am learning to speak,

And that makes me very unique,

Also on the quiz team

Thinking I’m making them look weird

When I’m the best person on the team

They left me but the plan failed horribly

I’m smarter than any kid at my school

But, I’m like a small fish in a big pool


Like my favorite fish Ollie

Who jumped out of the water

When mom came in she was mad at her daughter

Thinking I killed him

When I was trying to save him

I wish someone would just come over and talk to me

but instead they are doing the opposite and laughing at me

How the Point of View in Out of My Mind Impacted Me

The point of view impacted me in this book called “Out of My Mind”. Here are a few examples how it has done so. For instance, it feels like Melody and I have switched bodies. “How was I supposed to answer questions or ask any.” I think Melody felt like that dog that gets left out in the rain while the rest of the family is inside the house. Following that, is the example of how 1st person made me better understand what kids with disabilities go through each day. “I’m surrounded by thousands of words. Maybe millions.” This made me feel like I’m right next to some kid who actually has a disability and is telling me this. At this point, the example would have to be I felt like I was right beside Melody and watching Animal Planet with her. “Now, I just watch Animal Planet all of the time.” If I was in Melody’s position, I would not watch anything, it would be so quiet you could hear a pen drop. Those were just a few of the reasons on how 1st person point of view has impacted me in this book.

Sharon Draper’s Decisions

       Sharon Draper made a lot of great decisions when writing Out of My Mind that I really appreciated. One of her decisions that I enjoyed a lot was how she made me better understand what families with disabilities go through.“I can’t talk. I can’t walk. I can’t feed myself or take myself to the bathroom. Big bummer.’’ Another decision I like is how Sharon made Melody talk in first person point of view to put us in Melody’s shoes. “My arms and hands are pretty stiff, but I can mash the buttons on the TV remote and move my wheelchair with the help of knobs I can grab on the wheels.”The third thing I like about Sharon Draper is she has a wide vocabulary.“Words have always swirled around me like snowflakes-each one delicate and different, each one melting untouched in my hands.’’ Those are just a few of the decisions that I observed in the book “Out of My Mind.” I appreciated every single one of them.   

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