Sharon Draper made a lot of great decisions when writing Out of My Mind that I really appreciated. One of her decisions that I enjoyed a lot was how she made me better understand what families with disabilities go through.“I can’t talk. I can’t walk. I can’t feed myself or take myself to the bathroom. Big bummer.’’ Another decision I like is how Sharon made Melody talk in first person point of view to put us in Melody’s shoes. “My arms and hands are pretty stiff, but I can mash the buttons on the TV remote and move my wheelchair with the help of knobs I can grab on the wheels.”The third thing I like about Sharon Draper is she has a wide vocabulary.“Words have always swirled around me like snowflakes-each one delicate and different, each one melting untouched in my hands.’’ Those are just a few of the decisions that I observed in the book “Out of My Mind.” I appreciated every single one of them.